President Donald Trump told Axios' Jonathan Swan that the death toll "is what is it," and added that the pandemic is “under control as much as you can...
Monday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo described President Donald Trump’s coronavirus response as “chaos.”
Which is quite inter...
On Sunday's "State of the Union" airing, House Majority Whip James Clyburn attacked President Donald Trump, and compared him to former Italian Nationa...
On MSNBC's Sunday airing of "Weekends," network host Al Sharpton laid into President Donald Trump and accused him of "racism" regarding his method of ...
Big pharmaceutical companies are rolling in the dough after pulling in billions of dollars from American taxpayers through government deals for a coro...
After a forced break due to coronavirus, the NBA and MLB came back expecting their views to be as good as ever....and they might have been, had the le...
Earlier this week, Barack Obama turned the John Lewis eulogy into an opportunity to attack President Trump. Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther Ki...
Joe Lockhart, a former press secretary for President Bill Clinton, is strongly advising Joe Biden not to debate against President Trump leading up to ...