Ohio AG Yost : ‘Google Must Be Declared a Public Utility’

On Wednesday, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost declared that Google needs to be declared a public utility and therefore brought under state regulations.

"Once we get this, the court to declare them as a public utility, then they will have a duty to provide equal access to act in the public interest," Yost said. "They say that their slogan is to do the right thing. Well, Ohio law tells you when you're a public utility what the right thing is to do, and so we're hoping that this is not going to bring the heavy hand of government down, but to recognize that they've got gotten so big that they've got a legal duty to all the rest of us that they have to live up to."

Newsmax reports:

The complaint is the first such lawsuit against Google by a state. It alleges the company has used its dominance as a search engine to favor its own products over “organic search results" in a way that “intentionally disadvantages competitors.”

Yost also commented Wednesday on various other lawsuits that have been brought against other companies like Facebook and said he thinks it is a "significant challenge" to deal with corporations that insist on regulating free speech.

"These are like the robber barons in the Industrial age that gained a huge amount of power and were able to have the size and scope of a government," said Yost. "Some of these tech giants have gotten so large that they can do what the government could not do, which is to control what you're allowed to say and hear and know about."

"I think it's time to recognize that when a company becomes as powerful as a government, it's time to be asking some serious questions about our freedom," Yost said. 

"They've got a set of values, which they're allowed to have," he added. "This is America. They're allowed to be liberal or progressive or whatever they want. The challenge comes when they use their power to affect the rest of us."

Rep. Taylor Greene Declares: 'I'm Not Going to Back Down'

Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green announced that the confrontations with other lawmakers ( such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) have been blown out of proportion.

Newsmax reports:

Greene last Wednesday confronted Ocasio-Cortez after a congressional hearing, asking her why she supported antifa and Black Lives Matter. On Friday, CNN unearthed a video from February 2019….

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Walmart Ditches Mask Mandate for Vaccinated Customers and Staff Only

Good news, Walmart is joining several other stores in stating that the mask mandates are being lifted! However, it's only if you're vaccinated.

My question is, how will they know who is vaccinated and who isn't?  Yikes. We are starting into communist waters...

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White House was Reportedly 'Surprised' at Inflation Jump 

On Friday, the White House admitted that they were surprised at the inflation jump as customer prices rose in March. It is the largest jump since 2008.

“So we hadn’t forecasted that. The forecasters hadn’t expected that,” said White House Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers Cecilia Rouse.

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Dr. Fraud Demands Unvaccinated Students ‘Still Wear a Mask’ in School

Supreme ruler Dr. Anthony Fauci is trying to rule again with authority that was never bestowed upon him.

On Friday, Fauci appeared on CNN's "Situation Room," and declared that students who do not get the COVID vaccine should be required to "wear a mask."

Host Wolf Blitzer asked, “You’ve said that elementary school kids, young kids probably won’t get vaccinated until the end of this year. So, should kids still be wearing masks when they go back to school this fall?”

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Sen. Cruz Calls on Biden to Replenish Israel’s Iron Dome Missiles

During his appearance on Fox News Channel, Senator Ted Cruz called on President Joe Biden to replenish Israel's Iron Dome Missiles, which have been used to counteract the numerous missiles being fired into Israel from Hamas terrorists.

Cruz said, “One of the real challenges Israel faces right now is their Iron Dome missiles, the interceptors, are taking out these rockets one after the other after the other. I’ll tell you something….

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Liz Cheney Admits She Voted for Trump in 2020, but 'Regrets' It

On Friday, Rep. Liz Cheney admitted to ABC News anchor Jon Karl that she voted for former President Donald Trump in the 2020 election. She added that she regrets it through.

Honestly, I am truly shocked to hear that the RINO voted for Trump. As much as she hates Trump and true Conservatives, I would have expected her to sabotage and vote for Biden.

Karl asked, “Did you vote for Donald Trump in 2020?”

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