Seattle Police Chief: 'Rapes, Robberies, All Sorts of Violent Acts' Happening in Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best spoke to reporters about what's happening inside the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), including “rapes, robberies, all sorts of violent acts.”

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan had a different take on the area. She called the takeover of a six-block section of Seattle "patriotism."

Tucker Carlson led off his show with information on the world welcoming its "newest country." These types of opening monologues are the reasons Tucker Carlson Tonight is consistently getting some of the best ratings out there.

Tucker is right. Things are getting really dark.

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This City Dissolved Its Police Department 7-Years Ago, Here's What It Looks Like Now

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There are those who want the police force COMPLETELY defunded meaning zero money to go to them.

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‘Anonymous’ National Guard Officer Calls Trump A Liar, ‘What I Just Saw Goes Against My Oath.’

Politico claims they spoke with 10 national Guardsmen that were deployed to Washington DC during the George Floyd riots. One National Guard Officer who requested to remain anonymous claims what he saw violated people’s civil rights and the Trump Administration is lying.

The officer didn't want to be identified but this is what he said:

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Cancel Culture Strikes Again: Cable's Most Watched Weekend Show Canceled To Satisfy Liberal Mob

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Professor Who Refused To Give Minorities Free Pass On Exams Now Under Police Protection

If you didn't hear, earlier this week Gordon Klein who is a professor at the University of California was suspended after he refused to give minorities free passes on their exams during their protests and riots.

I don't blame him. It would be the thing that they're supposed to be against. Why should he give them special treatment solely because of their race?

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Texas Dem House Candidate: ‘If People Loot, So What? Burn It To The Ground’ (VIDEO)

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Kim Olson, a Texas Democrat running for a House seat was caught on video saying she doesn't care if people loot, and added, they should just “burn it to the ground.”

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Watch: Biden on Daily Show, 'Military Will Remove Trump from WH'

If Biden continues to make absurd rants and statements, Democrats are liable to chain him to his basement! He is ruining their already nonexistent chances of winning the presidential election against Donald Trump in November.

During an interview with Trevor Noah on Comedy Central’s “Daily Show,” former Vice President Joe Biden said that he has been thinking about what would go down if he won the election and President Trump refused to leave. He then revealed that he believes the military will step in and remove Trump “from the White House with great dispatch."

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