In a heartbreaking video clip, a young Afghan girl tells the camera, “No one cares about us. We’ll die slowly in history,” as tears stream down her fa...
Last weekend, female police officer and mother Ella French was shot and killed while conducting a traffic stop. She was only 29-years-old with a two m...
According to a report by WPVI-TV, a waitress was abducted, beaten, and then tossed from a vehicle after she confronted a group of people who attempted...
Dictator, I mean, President Joe Biden is considering implementing vaccine mandates in order to travel on the interstate according to reports from the ...
Many officials have expressed concern over New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's two week resignation, raising questions as to whether he is using those tw...
Wow! New Zealand is really digging into the 1984 handbook and closing their borders for the rest of the year. They are embracing a total isolation str...
Former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean appeared on MSNBC on Wednesday and predicted that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis would not wi...