I figured the Biden presidency was going to be rough, but I didn't imagine there being so many spills. His latest mishap happened in front of a crowd ...
Sometimes you reach your breaking point and it's time to push back. For Harvard grad Emma Heussner this happened to be during the graduation speech by...
Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany made a huge announcement on live television during her appearance on Fox News: She is pregnant!
On Thursday, Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Laurence Tribe appeared on CNN and told host Erin Burnett that former President Donald Trump tried to murd...
On Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was questioned about the recent firebombing and vandalization of pro-pregnancy centers.
Far-left terrorist or...
Fourth generation farmer and president od the National Black Farmers Association John Boyd Jr. appeared on News Nation’s On Balance with Leland Vitter...
At this point, I am not even surprised anymore when I see that a farm, processing plant, or food distribution center has burned down considering it ha...