Fauci: Americans Must ‘Do What You’re Told’ - 'Don't be Independent'

On Thursday, Dr. Anthony Fauci expressed that he is worried people will band together and fight the coronavirus lockdowns. He said that Americans need to just listen to officials and do what we are told, despite our independent spirits.

“[E]ach of our countries have that independent spirit, where we don’t want to be told what to do,” he said of the United States and United Kingdom. “Well, I understand that, but now is the time to do what you’re told.”

Fauci declared at the National Cathedral’s 2020 Ignatius Forum that we are facing a “second wave” of the virus in the colder months.

“We’re not done, we still need to implement public health measures in a very intense way,” he said.“We had too much individual approaches towards how we were going to handle the outbreak, so our baseline never came down to the low level where we wanted it to be."

He then turned his focus to a "core of people" who prefer medical freedom and will not take the vaccine. He went on to say that that group would be "problematic" if 50% of the population refused to take the vaccine.

"I think there has been an anti-authority component to this, we had ‘anti-vax’ people don’t like to be told to be vaccinated. Scientists are often perceived as authoritarian and sometimes in fact they’ve made that perception themselves by the way they act. I think we can improve on that," he Fauci said.

In other words, he wants American to bow down and obey, foregoing freedom for a slim chance of safety.