Four-tour Iraq War veteran Bobby Henline is furious upon learning that the left is using a photo of him in an anti-Trump 'propaganda' post that goes along with The Atlantic's story to make the president look like a military hater.
Now he is speaking out about the use of is image without his consent.
“I'm just so irritated that they put my image up there because now it looks like the president called me a loser." Henline said, "And they're using that to sell something that they believe in for their agenda. It's not fair to put us [veterans] as props in the middle of all that,”

Fox News reports:
Henline is the lone survivor out of five soldiers in an IED blast in Iraq. He now dedicates his time to spreading laughs through comedy and positivity by speaking about veteran’s issues. As a highly recognized figure, it was brought to his attention last week that his image was being used in anti-Trump memes posted in and shared by various left-wing social media groups. He quickly took to Instagram to criticize those using him in order to spread their own “propaganda.”

Having never commented on the Atlantic story or Trump’s supposed remarks about veterans, Henline was outraged that he was being used as a “prop” to aid the Democratic Party in tearing down Donald Trump to help their candidate, Joe Biden, get elected.
“Go on what you have with facts," Henline said. "If you don't have the power to win on your own merits, that you have to tear down your opponent, there is a problem there.”
The original story published by the Atlantic cited four anonymous sources claiming to have firsthand knowledge of the discussion in which Trump made the controversial comments. Since then, a number of people who placed themselves in the room during the reported conversation, including former U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton, who has a rocky past with Trump, have stepped forward to deny that the president ever made those disparaging remarks. Henline said he believes the story to be false.
“I really believe the president didn't say this," Henline said. "There’s been anonymous sources and other sources in the room that aren’t necessarily friends with the president or believe in his ways, but they're still not gonna slam him and make up this rumor and keep it spreading. And so with that said, I don't think he really said this."
“Them taking that well-recognized photo and using it for their agenda and changing veterans' minds, thinking the president talks to them like that is ridiculous," he added. "And I believe it worked. And that's why I want to get it taken down because it shouldn't be working. People need to hear the truth. That's my image. And it should not be up there speaking for me,"
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