Armed Patriots Defend Stores During Minneapolis Looting: 'Before Cops There Were Just Americans'

After the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the city has responded with riots and looting. The city has turned into pure chaos.

Anyone who has seen the video of George Wallace being killed with a knee to the neck can obviously see it was something that could be avoided. In response, many of the people of Minneapolis have turned to rioting and looting.

These four Second Amendment supporters have helped prevent at least one store from being looted. The two that were speaking made it very clear that they are on the side of the cause of the looting, just not the actual looting. It's good they made that very clear or they would have been crushed by the mainstream media.

"Bottom line, justice for Floyd," one said. "I hope they stop looting at some point. If there were more of us we could go stop them from looting."

"We don't agree with the looting but we do agree with the cause of the protest."

Check it out:

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