According to newly uncovered emails, federal health officials Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins worked to smear a group of scientists who opposed public lockdowns and warned against the health dangers of them.
Breitbart reports:
Collins was deeply disturbed after a group of scientists teamed up to criticize the lockdowns and propose a different strategy to handle the pandemic: Protect the elderly and the vulnerable and allow children and young people to return to work and school.
The statement released by a group of scientists was called the “Great Barrington Declaration,” and caught the attention of some in President Donald Trump’s administration.
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and Scott Atlas, a neuroradiologist advising Trump on the pandemic, met with the group of scientists.
“There needs to be a quick and devastating published takedown of its premises,” Collins wrote to Fauci and other officials in October 2020, clearly upset.

The Fauci and Collins emails were obtained and released in response to a FOIA request submitted by the American Institute for Economic Research.

Fauci and Collins also colluded with White House coronavirus adviser Deborah Birx to find out whether Atlas was bringing up the “Great Barrington Declaration” in meetings.

As you can see, some of the emails have been redacted but you can tell that Fauci does not like Atlas and the Great Barrington Declaration.
“Quite frankly that is nonsense, and anybody who knows anything about epidemiology will tell you that that is nonsense and very dangerous,” Fauci told Yahoo News.
The declaration suggests that people who are not at high risk to die from the virus should be able to develop natural immunity against the disease. What is nonsense about that? Perhaps the fact that it takes money away from Fauci and Big Pharma's pockets.
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