Watch: Over 7,000 Participants in 'Laredo Trump Train' Event

In many towns across the country, Americans have been coming together to organize Trump parades in support of our president. In my small town of Celina, Ohio, we had a massive boat parade on the lake. Over weekend, another parade filled with motorcycles, trucks, SUVs and cars took through town complete with Trump flags and American flags. It was an awesome sight to see.

In Laredo, Texas, thousands of supporters gathered for a parade through downtown on Saturday...and it was awesome!

“We had a great, peaceful event with over 4,000 vehicles participating and over 7,000 people participating in the event,” said organizer and National Border Patrol Council Vice President Hector Garza.

“We opened up the event by honoring God in prayer and honoring the U.S. flag with the Pledge of Allegiance. The Laredo Trump Train expanded for over 15 miles along IH-35, Bob Bullock Loop and Del Mar,” he continued. “The Laredo Trump Train did not reach out to any outside organizations to participate in this event. The Laredo Trump Train event invitation was only posted in Laredo."

Webb County Republican Chairman Bill Young said that this is one of the biggest political events he has ever seen. “It was amazing. We are going to turn Webb County red as we are going to win Webb County,” he added.

“All aboard the Laredo Trump Train! Together we will Keep America Great!” the group's Facebook page read.

“There are many more events that the Laredo Trump Train will be hosting in Laredo,” Garza said, “We will be coordinating with city officials to ensure a fun and safe event.”

The silent majority is roaring now, and the left is terrified.

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