Trump Drops Major Hint in VP Choice, Reveals Where You Will See His Potential Running Mate

Former President Trump says he knows his running mate choice. He hasn’t told anyone yet.

Speaking with reporters, he confirmed his decision on the vice presidential pick.

"In my mind, yeah," Trump told NBC News in Philadelphia on Saturday when asked if he had decided.

At Tony and Nick's Steaks, Trump greeted customers and staff. He was in Philadelphia on June 22, 2024.

Asked if the chosen person is aware, Trump replied, "No, nobody knows."

He added, "Most likely," the person will attend Thursday's debate. This debate between Trump and President Biden will be in Atlanta.

"They'll be there," Trump said. "I think we have a lot of people coming."

Fox News' Alexis McAdams interviewed Trump at the retail stop. He discussed the timing of his announcement.

"I'll be announcing it right around the time of the convention," he told Fox News, pointing to the Republican National Convention. It starts on July 15 in Milwaukee.

Trump also spoke at a rally at Temple University. This was in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a key battleground state.

Trump heads to New Orleans Monday evening for a fundraiser. House Majority Leader Rep. Steve Scalise will be a special guest. Meanwhile, President Biden will remain at Camp David preparing for Thursday's debate.