The New $5.49 ALDI Find That's Flying Off Shelves and Into Carts

I've always kept a few frozen pizzas on hand. They make a fast dinner for the whole family. And they’re an easy option when we have a babysitter plus our kids to feed.

So, when I saw ALDI had new Specially Selected pizzas, I immediately added them to my cart. My oldest daughter loves Mama Cozzi's pizza crusts. We’ve recently become obsessed with Mama Cozzi’s breakfast pizzas too.

When I got home, I realized these new pizzas are pinsas. They’re similar to pizza but with a more bubbly, fluffy, and tender-crisp crust. They come in two flavors: pepperoni and caprese. The pepperoni pinsas have classic tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, and Parmesan. The caprese has pesto and tomato sauces, mozzarella, and tomato slices. Here’s why I’m now buying them on repeat and keeping them stocked in the freezer.

Like many of ALDI's frozen pizzas, pinsas are baked directly on the rack in a 400°F oven. The bake time is shorter for a frozen pizza—just 16 minutes. This gives crispness without dark edges.

The packaging says each pinsa serves three, but you know how that goes. On a good day I could take one down myself.

The crust is the star—bubbly and chewy with perfect tender crispness. It’s unlike any frozen pizza I’ve tried. The crust is so good my kids actually fight over the end pieces.

Even my nephews love the caprese pinsas despite the pesto. For the anti-pesto crowd you can get the pepperoni option instead of caprese.

I’ll stock a few caprese pinsas in the freezer for myself. Move over Totino's. The pesto had great garlic flavor, and even the frozen-then-baked tomatoes were bright and flavorful. At just $5.49 each, two of these pinsas are cheaper and faster than grabbing a carry-out pizza. I’ll be keeping them on hand from here on out.