Continuing his promotional tour for his new movie “The Midnight Sky,” George Clooney once again delved into politics to praise Joe Biden as the man fo...
House and Senate Democrats are seizing on President Donald Trump’s support for an increase in the amount of money available to individual taxpayers fo...
A man dressed as Santa Claus got snared on a trip through a Northern California city Sunday morning after flying his glider-type craft into a neighbor...
During Tuesday’s airing of MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show,” Democrat Senator Amy Kobluchar slammed President Donald Trump for criticizing the coronavirus...
I have NEVER been a fan of Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Jon Ossoff, so you can imagine my surprise when he agreed with President Donald Trump’s...
Congress put a coronavirus stimulus through to President Trump, expecting him to sign. Instead, he destroyed them and demanded more money for American...
Just a couple months ago, televangelist Pat Robertson was singing President Donald Trump’s praises and stated that God told him that Trump would win t...