Obamas, Netflix Board Member Susan Rice Conveniently Quiet on 'Cuties' Outrage

Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and former National Security Adviser Susan Rice have all been MIA amid the outrage of Netflix release of the pedophiliac film Cuties. The movie shows eleven-year-old girls dancing provocatively and twerking, paired with crotch shots and panty-clad children. It is a gross sexualization of minors.

What do the Obamas and Rice have to do with with it though? I'm glad you asked. The former president and first lady are in a "multi-year agreement" with the film giant to help produce films and tv series. Rice is on the Netflix board.

They care about the children, right? At least they claim to care about them anyway. So why are they not speaking out about this atrocity?

“This movie/show is disgusting as it sexualizes an ELEVEN-year-old for the viewing pleasure of pedophiles and also negatively influences our children!” a petition on Change.org reads. “There is no need for this kind of content in that age group, especially when sex trafficking and pedophilia are so rampant! There is no excuse, this is dangerous content!”

“As I have been researching content that exploits children and creates a disturbing vibe, I have found many shows and movies on Netflix to have similar inappropriate behaviors as Cuties, the movie this petition was originally based off,” it says.

“As Netflix has chosen to ignore the petition and the wishes of its customers, I feel we need to ban together and cancel our subscriptions,” the petition continues. “From cuties to Big Mouth to other movies mocking religions and exploiting children Netflix is no longer the family-friendly streaming service I one believed it to be!”

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