More than 20k People Join Facebook Support Group for Cannon Hinnant's Murderer

A Facebook group was created in support of the man who allegedly murdered 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant as he rode his bike in his father's driveway. According to witnesses, 25-year-old black male Darius Sessoms ran up and shot the little boy in the head at point blank range.

The left-wing group was titled: “Justice for Darius Sessoms,” and referred to Sessoms as a “political prisoner” and that the "system" is “persecuting him unjustly.”

As if that wasn't bad enough, people mocked and laughed at the little boy who was murdered, bluntly stating that he deserved to die.

The group has since been deleted or renamed, but not before accumulating more than 20,000 members. Facebook user Alexander Anderson was able to get screenshots of some posts before it disappeared.

Some sick Thin Blue Liner created a "Justice for Darius Sessoms" group that I was added to. Turns out it managed to...

Posted by Alexander Anderson on Saturday, August 15, 2020

According to National File reported the group's intro questions asked applicants if “Black Lives Matter” and whether “white privilege” is a “real thing."

Here are some of the quoted posts and comments:

“I just sent 300 dollars to Darius’ commissary. Stay strong brother,” wrote another.

Another person commented on the crowdfunding total the Hinnant family was set to receive. They wrote: “Not surprised the parents are cashing in… we’re going to find out later that he was provoked or somehow set up. Good luck getting that refund.”

“I’d feel worse about his death if he didn’t have such a stupid name. A “cannon” that gets shot? Seems like his dad was asking for it since day one,” responded one Facebook user.

In case Facebook takes down the post with Anderson's screenshots, here they are again:

There is a GoFundMe fundraiser for Cannon Hinnant’s family.

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