McConnell: Increased Unemployment Benefits Will Not be in Next Stimulus Package

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday that the expanded unemployment benefits will not be a part of the next stimulus package passed by Congress.

While on a call with House Republicans McConnell stood by the Republican Party's decision to "pause" before moving forward with the "phase four" bill. He said the pause will continue until the impact of the previous coronavirus bills is able to be gauged.

McConnell also said to House Republicans that is another piece of coronavirus legislation is passed, Republicans will "clean up the Democrats' crazy policy that is paying people more to remain unemployed than they would earn if they went back to work."

"This will not be in the next bill," McConnell said, per a source who was briefed on the call.

When people are incentivized to not return to work that is always going to create problems. People are making more money than they ever to sit home and do nothing. This creates a dangerous situation.

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