'I Don't Have Proof' Tyrant Whitmer Backs Down When Challenges on if Protests are Spreading Virus

Democratic Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer backed down when challenged on proving protests are causing coronavirus. Tyrant Whitmer doesn't "have proof" that the virus is spreading in rural areas because of the large gatherings to protest her tyrant rules.

Tyrant Whitmer appeared on ABC's "The View" on Wednesday. She asked the anti-lockdown protesters that are making a "political statement" to go home and stop assisting the spread of the virus.

“These protests, they do undermine the effort, and it’s very clearly a political statement that is playing out where people are coming together from across the state, they are congregating, they’re not wearing masks, they are not staying six feet apart and then they go back home into communities and the risk of perpetuating the spread of COVID-19 is real,” Tyrant Whitmer said on “The View.”

From there Whitmer was questioned if she has proof of her claim. That's when she fell flat.

“I don’t have proof,” she replied. “I’m not following everyone home and taking their temperatures and watching their lives for two weeks, but here’s what we know, when it comes to COVID-19, the way that it spreads is person-to-person contact.”

“It can stay in the air for a while,” she continued, per WSJM. “It is when you’re touching one another, and we saw a lot of that at these protests at the Capitol.”

Tyrant Whitmer on Protests Spreading the Virus

Whitmer doesn't get caught up in details. She just wants to shut her state down. It doesn't matter, to her, whether these protests spread the virus. Her only concern is we shut down.

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