Finally! Articles of Impeachment Drafted Against Tyrannical RINO Governor

Ah, the day I have been waiting for....the day I woke up to the news that articles of impeachment have been drafted against Ohio's RINO governor, Mike DeWine.

State Rep. John Becker is leading the pack after he drafted 10 articles of impeachment against Gov. Mike DeWine. He is now asking all 98 of his House colleagues to join in "ending the madness."

If you are in Ohio and would like to contact your state representative to express your concern in the matter, you can visit for a contact form that also contains sample language for people to send their representatives in requesting them to sign the legislation. 

"While the General Assembly has attempted to work with the governor, he has vetoed Senate Bill (SB) 55. He has threatened to veto other reasonable legislation such as SB 1 and House Bill (HB) 618," Becker said.

"DeWine has violated the Ohio and United States constitutions, as well as multiple sections of the Ohio Revised Code," he continued. "Among his abuses of power, he meddled in the conduct of a presidential primary election and arbitrarily closed certain businesses, while allowing other businesses to remain open. He later instituted a statewide mask mandate, implementing that requirement as a condition of employment, making Ohio a hostile work environment. The mandate also extended to congregants at places of worship, forcing citizens to choose between worshipping their God and worshipping at the altar of unbridled government. Many Ohioans find the mask mandate offensive, degrading, humiliating and insulting. There is also evidence that masks can be hazardous to one’s health. Gov. DeWine doubled down when he expanded the mandate to our school-age children, who are less susceptible to COVID-19."

Becker also made the following statement:

"I kept holding out hope that we wouldn’t get to this place. For months and months, I’ve been hearing the cries of my constituents and of suffering people from every corner of Ohio. They keep screaming, 'do something.' They are hurting. Their businesses are declining and depreciating. Their jobs have vanished. The communities that have sustained their lives are collapsing, and becoming shells of what they once were.

"Living in fear, many have turned to drugs and yes, even suicide, to end or tolerate the unbearable pain inflicted by the governor upon their livelihoods, and the damage caused by his unraveling of the fabric of Ohio. It is long past time to put an end to government gone wild.

"With deaths and hospitalizations from COVID-19 flattened, the governor continues to press his boot on the throat of Ohio’s economy. Due to the unilateral actions of Gov. DeWine, a growing number of businesses have failed and continue to fail. Millions of frustrated, exasperated, and suffering Ohioans are relying on the General Assembly to take control and end their government-driven affliction.

"Gubernatorial recall elections are not permitted in Ohio and removal by complaint is too arduous and impractical for the citizenry to navigate as a process for taking back their government. The only other option is impeachment.

"Articles of impeachment cannot be vetoed, and require a majority (50 votes) in the Ohio House of Representatives and then a two-thirds majority (22 votes) in the Ohio Senate for conviction and removal from office.

"In addition to, constituents can find and contact their state representatives at"

My fingers are certainly crossed!

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