Ex-Police Officer Brandon Tatum on 'Where the Floyd Arrest Went Wrong'

Ex-police officer Brandon Tatum appeared on The Rubin Report to discuss where the George Floyd arrest went wrong and how America can stop the riots.

"Yeah, if we had a training video to show you what no to do ad a police officer and what not to do as responding officers, this would probably be a perfect example," Tatum said to open up the video.

Tatum, who is also the co-founder of Blexit, played college football at the University of Arizona and was an All-American. When his NFL plans didn't work out, he moved on to start a career as a police officer. He has since moved on to start his own business.

Check out the video to see more about Brandon Tatum's stance on the George Floyd arrest:

When asked what went wrong and if anything went right, Tatum responded, "What I can tell you as a former police officer is it's unacceptable to have your knee on a man's neck for eight, nine minutes."

Tatum gives a unique perspective as a former police officer as well as being a black man. It's interesting to hear him point out where the officer went wrong and talk about whether he thinks racism was a motivating factor.


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