Emmys: Jimmy Kimmel and Anthony Anderson Taunt Mike Pence, Chant 'Black Lives Matter'

During the 72nd Emmy Awards show over the weekend, host Jimmy Kimmel and Black-ish star Anthony Anderson chanted "Black Lives Matter" in a skit that Anderson claimed the virtual award show stopped all the black nominees and winners from celebrating together.

So now coronavirus is racist? Who knew.

“You know we have a record number of black Emmy nominees this year, which is great,” Anderson pointed out, “This was supposed to be the blackest Emmys ever. You wouldn’t have even been able to handle how black it was going to be. But because of covid, we can’t even get in the damn building.”

“We would have had speeches, quoting our great poets,” he continued. “But instead of that sexy melanated energy, here I am alone in a sterilized green room, trying not to sneeze on a lama.

“You know what? I’m still routine for everybody black,” Anderson said. “Because black stories, black voices, and black lives matter. Say it with me, Jimmy.”

“Black lives matter!” the duo began chanting, as Anderson encouraged Kimmel to shout it louder so “Mike Pence can hear it.”

Actor Mark Ruffalo also threw politics into the show. “We have a big, important moment ahead of us. Are we going to be a country of division and hatred, a country only for a certain kind of people, or are we going to be one of love and strength, fighting so all of us have the American dream?” Ruffalo said. “That’s what we’re facing right now, so go out and vote for compassion and kindness.”

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