Another Biden Lie: 'I Didn't Call Military Stupid Bastards' - Here's Video Proof

As I watched the presidential debate last night, I just knew I would have TONS of content today. If nothing else, I could write about all the Biden lies and mishaps.

For example, former Vice President Joe Biden claimed that he did not call members of the military "stupid bastards." He even laughed and told President Trump to provide the video proof.

Well, here's where it gets awards for Sleepy Joe. There is, in fact, video footage of him visiting troops in the United Arab Emirates in 2016, during which he tells them to "clap, stupid bastards." He also referred to them as a "dull bunch."

Biden said, “Notwithstanding what you may hear about me, I have incredibly good judgment. One, I married Jill and two, I appointed Johnson to the academy.”

“I just want you to know that, so clap for that you stupid bastards,” he continued, “Man, you all are a dull bunch. It must be slow here, man.”

Of course the Biden campaign will claim he was just joking when he said that....but I think the bigger problem here is that he either doesn't remember saying it or he remembers and flat out lied.

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